Six things you should know before getting Botox.
First things first: what is Botox?
Botox & Dysport are purified neuromodulators that relax muscle movement. Cosmetically, when injected in tiny doses to a specific muscle, it’s keeps the muscle from moving by inhibiting the release of its neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. It usually stays this way for anywhere from 3-6 months depending on the dose and which muscle it’s used on.
Botox was FDA approved for cosmetic use in 2002 and there have been over 13 million vials sold since then – and that’s just in the US!
Neurotoxins have been one of the most popular cosmetic treatments in 2019, and for good reason. The results are excellent, the downtime is minimal, the treatment is pretty quick (usually only 15 minutes!), and the side effects are nearly non-existent.
Treatment techniques have come a very long way from its early days, so you should expect natural, beautiful result. Even so, there are a few things I’ll share with you before going under the needle. Here’s what you need to know before getting Botox or Dysport.

1. It won’t give you fish lips
To some, this will seem obvious. But I’m going to delve into this myth as I still get clients that worry about this every week. Botox is a neuromodulator that stops muscle movement. This is good because it stops your muscles from scrunching together which is one of the main causes of wrinkles.
Botox doesn’t give you volume. You’re thinking of filler, my friends. Filler is a product that, when injected, can add volume to areas of deficit. And PS: if injected properly, you won’t get the dreaded fish lips!
2. Age doesn’t matter
Another question I get often: ‘Am I too young for Botox?’
While this is a valid question, I’ll explain to you why I’m all about people getting Botox or Dysport while they’re younger, and especially when lines are just starting to form.
As Botox and Dysport work by minimizing or stopping muscle movement where injected, you can usually prevent lines from staying once they’ve started to form. This is a great time to get neuromodulators done because you’re now helping keep the skin integrity ‘divet-free’ which is a lot easier to fix than when lines start to get deep.
This also means you can generally get away with smaller doses, or ‘Baby Botox’ (remember, youthful faces move).
Not to mention, the American Society of Plastic Surgery has found that neurotoxin injections of 20-29-year-old’s has increased by 28 percent since 2010. Praise be prevention!
On the flip side, it’s never too late to get Botox or Dysport. Everyone responds differently, and sometimes I’m amazed at the results I get with one treatment on deep lines!
3. Dosage varies
This may seem obvious, but doses can vary with different faces, gender, patient preference, and different areas of the face. Doses are calculated in units.
But don’t worry, if I quote you 20 units, that doesn’t mean 20 injections!
Usually several units are given with each injection. There are average doses for each area of the face, for example, stopping ‘frown lines’ between the brows can be anywhere from 14-22 units and stopping forehead wrinkles can be anywhere from 6-12 units.
If you want a ‘natural’ result with minimal neuromodulators, we can definitely do this. Or if you’d like some areas more line-free, we can use higher doses, too.
Bespoke treatments are what we’re all about. But like I said before, doses change with each person.
I recently had two friends come in wanting their foreheads treated. To get the same result, I actually gave one friend six units, while the other one needed 12 units!
The best way to find out which dose works for you is to have a personal, complimentary consultation.
4. You won’t walk out wrinkle-free!
Botox and Dysport can take up to two weeks to get the full result as this is how long it takes for the muscle to fully respond and stop moving.
BUT some of my clients see results in as little as three days! Especially if they don’t leave it too long between their treatments.
I usually recommend keeping your treatments 3-4 months apart to keep improving results and keep your skin smooth.

5. No excerie after treatments…
Pretty please!
Exercising after getting Botox or Dysport is a big no-no.
This is because exercise will increase heat and blood flow within the face, increasing the possibility of your precious neuromodulator migrating to a different muscle. We all know this is not a good thing.
6. Your wrinkles will get worse if you were to stop.
Another top-5 question by my lovely clients, “Will my wrinkles get worse if I stop getting Botox?”
Botox and Dysport only stop muscles from moving for 3-4 months on average. This gives the skin time to smooth out. If you stop getting neuromodulators or miss a treatment, your muscles will start moving again and the lines may start to reappear.
It may seem that your lines are more pronounced, but this is an illusion as you’ve been used to having smooth, wrinkle-free skin.
The long-term benefits of keeping up with treatments are that you continue preventing your old lines from returning. This allows your skin continue to smooth out your wrinkles and when paired with some good skin-strengthening treatments and products, you can give your skin some serious long-term improvement.
Here at the Luxe Room, we strive to make sure your Botox and Dysport treatments are custom to your unique anatomy and concerns, and that your treatments are quick and comfortable.
We’d love to meet you and always offer complimentary consultations and follow-ups to ensure absolute patient satisfaction.
Let’s Chat…
No matter what your concern or want is (within reason!), I’d love to help you and work out a plan to help you feel better about it. Book in for a complimentary consultation and let’s meet to discuss your aesthetic goals.